My New Sewing Room

posted in: Sewing | 4

Up until a few weeks ago my sewing “room” was actually my dining room table. The dining room was jammed packed with my junk to the point where we hadn’t eaten dinner at the table in months (we still don’t). I really wanted to convert one of the bedrooms into a sewing room but my family was temporarily living with us so I wasn’t able to. Once they actually moved out I went straight to Ikea and bought furniture to use as sewing furniture. Then I moved my son to another bedroom and took over his, which has worked out great. His new room is darker for naps and cooler, the one I moved him out of was pretty warm.

My wonderful husband built the furniture for me and set it up in my son’s old room, then I started moving all the junk up very slowly. I still have some stuff in the dining room cabinet but most of it is upstairs. I have not moved all of my son’s closet contents over to his new room but that’s OK for now.

I love having a dedicated space. Not only do I like not having that mess in the living room but I also like being able to just leave things as they are and not have to move them. I love not having to use my kitchen island as a cutting table and I also love just having my own space. I have not done any decorating to it (or the rest of the house for that matter) but I hope to make it pretty one day. For now, it’s a functional if utilitarian sewing room.

This picture is from the front right corner of the room. Here you can see the metal shelf that holds the fabric. The cloth organizers hold things like scraps of fabric, fat quarters, interfacing, projects I’m working, unfinished projects, etc. All the way to the right of the closet I hanged the things I sell on Etsy as well as projects I’m working on that need to be hung.

This one is from the opposite corner. The blue box on the foreground contains notions. The plastic tubs that is sits on is storage for odds and ends as well as patterns I plan to make in the near future (wishful thinking). The ironing board is in the back and the other table is the cutting table.

From behind the cutting table. The shelving in the sewing table (at the back) holds thread boxes, accessories for the sewing machine and serger and a box of patterns. The roll of paper fo the right of the sewing table is tracing paper. And those are the bug screens on the back right corner LOL.

Close up of the cutting table. The legs’ shelves hold books, patterns and magazines. Under the glass I keep scissors, rotary cutter, marking paper, patterns I am currently working with, etc. The pen organizer is great, not only does it hold pens, pencils, chalk, seam gauge, etc but it’s great to use as pattern weight when tracing patterns.

Magazine holders with my Burdas, Patrones and other random sewing magazines.

There are some things I’d like to get, such as a peg board, a pin board, wall shelves to put at either side of the window above the sewing table, more drawer unites, etc but that will have to wait for a bit I think.

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