I just cut, traced, folded and wrote on a vintage pattern. I feel like I have commited some horrible crime against history. I know it’s stilly but if you it’s pretty destructive when you put it into perspective. This pattern from 1967, has survived over 30 years intact. It had been used (or at least most pieces had been cut) but it was nearly pristine. Then I come along and cut it, write on it, folded, trace it, etc and severele decrease its life expentacy. But alas, the damaged has been done and I’ll just have to live with that.
In case you are wondering, the pattern is Simplicity 7502. I am making view 3. I just pumped out a muslin and there are some adjustments to be made but hopefully it will all work out. Even if it doesn’t, I have learned a few things even from just the muslin. First, vintage pattern tissue is great! I really doubt today’s patterns will last as long as these patterns have considering how flimpsy and delicate it is. I guess the folks back then got it right. This pattern (and the other vintage patterns I have checked out) have the center of the darts marked so you know where to fold….what an idea! This makes pinning darts pretty much painless. Also, as much as I hate pinning, folding, writing on, etc vintage patterns, it’s SOOOO nice to be able to just pull the pattern out of the envelope, lay it on the fabric and cut. I always trace my modern patterns because since they are multisize, once you cut one size out the rest are no longer usable.
I also found out that my waist is approximately 2.5 inches lower in the front than in the back. I knew I had a tilted waist but I didn’t know it was THAT tilted. I am a freak of nature.
I'm Lori...and maybe I'm you, too.
I haven’t sewn in so long. You make me miss it, June!