Fabric Loot From Mexico

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I just got back from a HORRIBLE trip to Mexico last night.  I will spare you the trip details but at least the fabric shopping was good!  That’s no consolation, but still.  I was amazed at how cheap the fabric was.  I bought 20 meters, almost 22 yards, of good fabric and spent less than $65 USD.  All but one cut of the fabric I bought are natural as I refuse to wear polyester or other synthetics in the Miami heat.  One of the cuts was lightweight pin striped 100% linen and it was roughly $4.50 a meter/yard.  Amazing!  The linen BLENDS start at like $12/yard at Joann’s, what a rip off.   I could have bought fabric until the cows came home but I suspect my husband would have frowned upon it.  The cotton fabric with the blue and white square print is a cotton sateen (or at least sateen-like) and it is lovely.


I also found by chance copies of Burda 10/08 and Diana Moden No.53 in Spanish.  I have been watching that issue of BWOF (in English) forever but I couldn’t bring myself to paying $18 for it.  I worked out for the best I suppose since I paid only roughly $4.50 for it in Mexico.  I had also been watching some Diana Moden issues on ebay but I don’t speak a lick of German and that was putting me off.  I’m glad I found it in Spanish and for about $3.80.  I also saw many copies of Patrones No.279.  If anyone is interested, I found these magazines, and MANY other knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc magazines at the ground floor store of the Fiesta Americana hotel in Merida.

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