Vintage Pattern Giveaway

posted in: Sewing | 18

I know how difficult it is to find vintage patterns in large sizes.  It’s almost like all women back then were a  slim 30 bust and 25 waist.  I don’t think I’ve measured either since I was 5 years old.  Anyhow, I have decided to give away two of my patterns in large sizes for others to enjoy.  Hopefully they will get used and loved instead of sitting in my sewing room.

Here are the patterns:


This is a no-strings attached giveaway.  Just leave a comment on this post and I will randomly select two winners on Saturday, June 26th.  The deadline is midnight on Friday, June 25th.

18 Responses

  1. Rhonda

    wow – I would love to sew up either of these patterns, they are even my size!
    thank you for hosting this.

    you are right that the plus size patterns in vintage are much harder to come by

  2. Original Mischief

    Great giveaway! Please consider this my entry. I just read your profile… I’m a European Aussie who have fallen in love with an Englishman who lives in America. Moving to WI in a few months. Monique xx

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