Every now and then I get the urge to sew something quick, something that doesn’t require muslins, fittings, refittings, etc. Of course, “quick” nearly always turns into weeks as I also have the habit of starting projects and abandoning them for a while. That was the case with this bag, McCall’s 5898. School is keeping me pretty busy these days so I thought I’d be able to sneak in a quick grocery bag, placate the sewing bug and get something out of it. Yeah, right.
First, this bag is not easy. It’s not rocket science but it’s not easy. That said, the reason it took so long was my procrastination and nothing else. I don’t really remember much about the construction process, it has been a while since I finished it, but I do remember thinking that the instructions were a bit complicated at times. There is some hand sewing involved but it’s not much and it’s not complicated. I used calico and muslin for the lining.
The bag is HUGE and great for the farmers market. I omitted the interfacing, which the pattern says is optional.
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