Video Tutorial: How to Shorten a Zipper

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I am so excited to bring to you my very first video tutorial!

The inspiration for this tutorial came while I was shopping at a fabric store a couple of weeks ago.  A lady was looking for a zipper in a specific length but the store didn’t carry it.  She started to walk away, lamenting that her project was going to have to wait, and my usually introverted self spoke up and told her not to worry because zippers could be shortened. After a brief lesson, she thanked me profusely and asked me if I was a sewing teacher.  I told her that I was not, to which she replied: “well, you should be! I would pay for lessons from you!”  I may have made her day with the zipper tip, but she made mine with that comment!

So here, in all the glory of my mad iMovie skills, is the tutorial.  I hope it’s helpful!


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