Make Nine 2019

If there is one thing that I am not is a planner. That’s a fact. I’ve tried, I really have, but I always fail to actually do much planning so I no longer bother. I don’t find it necessary in my general day to day life, and even less in my hobbies.

When it comes to sewing, I’m very much an as-the-mood-strikes kind of sewist. I sew things on impulse and it works for me. So, for years I’ve avoided the Make Nine challenge, a challenge in which you choose nine patterns to make over the course of the year.

The thought of picking out nine patterns so far in advance, and of somewhat planning my sewing year all at once, was really, really, really, daunting. But, this year I decided to try, with a caveat: I’m using the challenge as inspirational rather than prescriptive.

By this I mean that I have chosen nine patterns (eight sewing, and one knitting) that I would like to make this year, but to treat them as inspiration and a kick in the pants.

I am a finished-product sewist, meaning that I get most of my satisfaction and enjoyment not from the process of sewing (or knitting) but from having a finished garment. As such, I tend to pick easier, less time-consuming projects to make NOW and keep relegating the more involved ones to LATER.

Thus, most of the patterns I chose for this challenge are pretty involved ones, in the hopes that it will push me to try them, but I won’t lose sleep if I don’t get to them. Make sense?

So, in no particular order, here are my nine patterns for Make Nine 2019. With the exception of the knitted pattern, they are all patterns I purchased before deciding to participate in the challenge.


We Are Knitters Weekend Sweater

I purchased this kit in the color Aquamarine when it was on sale a couple of weeks ago.




The Avid Seamstress The Coat

I fell in love with this pattern the first time I saw it. I bought fabric for it, also on sale.


Named Talvikki Sweater

I’ve had this pattern for a while but haven’t gotten around to making despite really wanting to. I don’t know why.



Closet Case Patterns Ginger Jeans

This one is really more of a need. I prefer low-rise jeans, and even mid-rise are unwearable for me because of my body shape. But there are no low-rise jeans in the stores anymore, the trend is mid and high rise.

So, at the moment, I have one OLD pair of jeans that I can wear.



Patrones Extra No.64 Model 20

Maybe this will be the year of the cape for me? I’ve wanted a cape for years, and even tried to make one that didn’t work out. Maybe this model will? I love it, and the classic elements it has.

This one is more of a wishful thought, but I did buy fabric for it!





McCall’s 6696

Everyone and their mothers has tried this pattern. I have been meaning to, so maybe I will.



Alina Sewing & Design Co. Hampton Jean Jacket

I have embroidery dreams for this jacket.




Helen’s Closet York Pinafore

Me → JUMP → bandwagon.



Deer & Doe Myosotis Dress

This dress may or may not work on my body, but there’s only one way to find out!




Check back to see how I get on!

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