I really thought that the Talvikki Sweater, which was part of my Make Nine for 2019 just was not going to happen in 2019.
Then, on a whim, I decided to go for it on the morning of New Year’s Eve. At that point, I was hell bent on making this thing by the end of the day.
And that I did, even with a couple of hours of interruption to pick up my serger, which has been in the repair shop for over a week getting fixed.
I cut a straight size 40/42 even though my measurements put me in a much larger size. I shortened the sleeves 2 inches (still too long to wear unrolled), and that was that.
Because when I started in the morning I didn’t have the serger, I sewed all the seams on the sewing machine, and THEN finished the raw edges on the serger as much as I could.
I thought the darts would give me trouble, specially marking them on such a spongy fabric (it’s a quilted knit), but all went well.
I had bought this fabric specifically for this sweater about two years ago and I really don’t know why I waited so long to make it.
The only thing I did differently from the instructions is that I didn’t interface anything.
One word of caution, the neck opening is pretty small and getting your head through is a tight squeeze. I was convinced that there was an invisible zipper somewhere in the neckline but there isn’t.
And just like that, I ended the year sewing one more thing on my Make Nine. I will write a wrap up of that in the near future.
Happy New Year, everyone!
PS. I didn’t notice the double chin until I started processing the photos, but, alas, that is what I look like :shurg:
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