For some reason I cannot understand or describe, a couple of weeks ago I had the half-baked idea to make a dress in a day.
Even though I had other things to wear, I really wanted to wear something new to a friend’s dissertation defense celebration lunch. As an aside, this was the first time I had seen these people since the pandemic started.
To accomplish this mad feat, it had to be a dress I had already made somewhat recently and for which I had already worked out the fitting issues.
I had a couple of options and I chose the Love Notions Lyric dress.

Last year, when I first made it, I said that I disliked that the sleeves were sewn in flat and at the time I set them in the round.
This time around I decided to just go with it and try sewing them in flat as the pattern says.
While I still prefer setting them in, the sleeves turned out fine and it did make the sewing process quicker. I normally hand-baste the sleeves in when I set them in the round that I’m pretty slow sewing by hand.
I have said in the past that I don’t think every dress should have pockets, but there is no reason why a dress like this one cannot. I didn’t say this in my last post about the first version but only one of the views in this pattern has pockets.
They are slanted pockets, which is a design choice. But there could also be an option for in-seam pockets for the other views, specially since they can also be anchored at waist seam.
These pockets would not be terribly difficult to add by yourself, but it seems like a missed opportunity in the pattern itself.
Despite all my criticism, I actually do like the Love Notions Lyric Dress. I really like the silhouette. The drafting is great and I will reiterate CUP SIZES!
The fabric had been in my stash for almost two years. It was sold to me as a stretch cotton poplin shirting, but it looks, feels, and behaves much more like stretch cotton sateen. That is fine with me though!
I happened to have enough matching buttons so everything came from my stash. A good thing when you’re trying to make a whole dress in a day!
Yes, I did actually make the dress from start to finish in one long day. It wasn’t terrible, but I’m not in a rush to do it again.
I recently moved and have a bedroom as my office/sewing space/closet overflow and so it helps that I can now just shut myself away in a dedicated room and no longer have to move around the apartment to cut, sew, and press.

Lisa G :-)
Such a flattering dress! Great job! It certainly does seem like they could have put a pocket option on all versions. 🙂