Pattern Review Serger and Coverstitch Contest: I Won!

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Serger and Coverstitch Contest 2017

Well, I won second place, anyway.  But I’m not complaining!

Last month I entered a couple of tshirts into the PR contest and I won 2nd place with the Grainline Studio Lark Tee with tulip sleeve hack.



For this contest the second place winner was chosen at random, and that was me.

My prize was $50 worth of serger thread from Maxi-Lock, which arrived promptly and directly from Gutermann, who owns the Maxi-Lock line of thread.

I just thought I’d share with you guys, though I already posted on Instragram stories earlier this week.



  1. Janet Rodgers

    Congratulations! That’s a smashing prize and well deserved as the tulip sleeves are a lovely touch, they just take a plain tee up a level…..

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